Sema Show 2023

SEMA: Where Business, Innovation, Builders, and Buyers Intertwine

We've been attending SEMA since 2010, the year Sunday Slacker Magazine was launched. Every year, I tell myself that I will see the entire show—from west to east, north to south, top to bottom, and all the exterior spaces. Easier said than done. Too many conversations with new and old friends, catching up on the latest products, snapping photos with automotive celebrities, and sometimes just staring at one incredible build for far too long.

Sema background: Marking it’s 60th anniversary, attracting over 130,000 attendees, yes that is correct 130,000 people + more than 70,000 buyers and over 3,000 media personnel from over 140 countries including the SLACKERS from Las Vegas.

Here are a few photos of rides that may not get alot of love. They are a bit different. Slammed, patina, polished, lowered and driven.

By Gabriel Garcia

Photos by Jose and Xavier Vivas


BJ Baldwin

Kindig-It Design

K5 Blazer