Coffee Talky interview Sunday Slacker

Episode 008

Huckleberry Roasters La Cuesta | Gabe Garcia

We talk about classic cars and coffee (not comedians) with one of the founders of Sunday Slacker Gabe Garcia, and brew up some of Huckleberry Roasters' La Cuesta.


We talk about classic cars and coffee (not comedians) with Sunday Slacker founder Gabe Garcia, and brew up some of Huckleberry Roasters' La Cuesta.


The back story.

I met Greg in November 2005 when I started a design design job with a new start up. We connected quick, Greg and I were the only guys in a very fashion, gossip and celebrity news office. to make the days go buy quick, we would chop it up, music, design, news and those non-PC conversations.

Fast forward a few years (to be continued...)

Coffee Talky is a coffee enthusiast podcast.

We'll be drinking and reviewing coffee, visiting coffee shops, testing out hardware, and explore brewing methods. We'll also be talking a lot.